Vidalia: I've been walking around looking for mustache guy this year
Vidalia: His name was Nate
Vidalia: We had someone drag our lazy asses in a Rickshaw
Vidalia: Gunther Hagen?
Vidalia: I Pity the Living Things
Vidalia: The Living Things - Singer
Vidalia: Been there...
Vidalia: Word
Vidalia: Gunther Von Hagen and a Schwa?
Vidalia: Eastside Asswriting
Vidalia: Happy St. Patrick's Day
Vidalia: Mt. Fuji Records party a Big Red Sun
Vidalia: Greg - Little Brazil
Vidalia: Extreme closeup Oliver
Vidalia: Had the hiccups for 2 hours
Vidalia: Bandmembers couldn't get on plane
Vidalia: Baby rocker
Vidalia: Up close & personal with a Cop
Vidalia: Oh no he didn't....
Vidalia: I have eternal love for Anton for doing this while on stage...
Vidalia: Outside the Longbranch Inn
Vidalia: Texas Flag - not Puerto Rico - not Chile
Vidalia: Dave the Cop
Vidalia: Dolly Parton - backstage pass
Vidalia: Landon & Alicia
Vidalia: 3 characters @ the Longbranch Inn
Vidalia: DSC00264.JPG
Vidalia: Dave
Vidalia: Yes