Vidalia: Baggage claim @ JFK - OBEY
Vidalia: 5 Train from Brooklyn Heights to Manhattan
Vidalia: The blue room
Vidalia: The Shrine Room
Vidalia: Good Morning Brooklyn Heights
Vidalia: Toby looks up a quote by Blake
Vidalia: Shhh..... I'm blogging something pretentious
Vidalia: Spiros' corner - looking to Manhattan
Vidalia: On Spiros' corner
Vidalia: Multimedia message
Vidalia: el snowhombre de brooklyn
Vidalia: beer bottle eyes, pylon nose panyhose mouth snowman of doom
Vidalia: Heading out for the day
Vidalia: Broome St.
Vidalia: It was freezing and crowded - Christo - The Gates - NYC 2005
Vidalia: I almost fell on my ass here @ the Gates
Vidalia: The earth moved methinks
Vidalia: The Gates - Central Park - NYC - 2005
Vidalia: The daily special is "Goodbye Gates"
Vidalia: Spiros & Erin stalk me in the East Village
Vidalia: Spiros & Chai supplies
Vidalia: Cab ride
Vidalia: Kinkos - 10 pm night before up to no good
Vidalia: Spiros & Jeannette still rule.
Vidalia: No one is around at 6:30 am.
Vidalia: Freezing and alone...
Vidalia: The tennis ball would have been useful here