victorious felines:
My Swedish house, May 2004
victorious felines:
My Swedish house: front view in May 2007
victorious felines:
Millstone: gateway to my Swedish house, Mullhyttan, Närke
victorious felines:
My Swedish house, Easter (Påsk) 2004
victorious felines:
My Swedish House, Mullhyttan, Närke. Front & south sides. May 2007.
victorious felines:
My Swedish house: rear view with "glasveranda". Mullhyttan, Närke 2007
victorious felines:
Cherry blossom 2007 in my garden Mullhyttan, Närke, Sweden
victorious felines:
Kakelugn - Tiled Stove
victorious felines:
My Swedish house: view thru arch of bay window
victorious felines:
Bay window, parlour
victorious felines:
Tallboy in trompe l'oeil
victorious felines:
Kakelugn - Tiled Stove
victorious felines:
My Swedish House: stairwell from landing
victorious felines:
My Swedish House: the landing
victorious felines:
My Swedish house: dormer - study & library
victorious felines:
My Swedish house, the bedroom
victorious felines:
The brook, Mullhyttan, Närke. June 2007
victorious felines:
The waterfall in the brook, Mullhyttan 2007
victorious felines:
Waterfall - the brook. Winter 2007. Mullhyttan, Närke