victoriaporter *: Bees were buzzing around my Mahonia; hard to capture!
victoriaporter *: Bumble-Bee in the Holly...
victoriaporter *: Fly on Cherry Blossom
victoriaporter *: Busy Bee in Hot Pink Azalea... after the Rain Stopped.
victoriaporter *: Busy Bee in Hot Pink Azalea... after the Rain Stopped.
victoriaporter *: Busy Bee in Hot Pink Azalea... after the Rain Stopped.
victoriaporter *: Gazania Alien... Are you looking at ME?
victoriaporter *: Bee and Chocolate... he was REALLY after the Godiva!
victoriaporter *: Ants Cleaning House aboard a Peony Bud
victoriaporter *: Brilliant Orange Poppy with teeny, tiny Visitor
victoriaporter *: Tiny, shiny visitor... busily gathering STILL MORE pollen on a Chive blossom...
victoriaporter *: Sage advice... start your day earlier and you'll already have more of what you need...
victoriaporter *: Aphids... TINY garden pests on Rose Bud...
victoriaporter *: Come into my parlor, said the spider to the fly...
victoriaporter *: Dinner... TRAPPED in the web!
victoriaporter *: Diner... waiting to eat!
victoriaporter *: Ants at Work... Peony Bud Macrocosm
victoriaporter *: Daddy Long-legs... shadow play...
victoriaporter *: Tiny red mite... what is on his mind?
victoriaporter *: I'll get you my pretty... Wasp!!!
victoriaporter *: Should I stay or should I go? Decisions... Decisions...
victoriaporter *: Where shall I go from here... Insect and Daisy MACRO!
victoriaporter *: Slug... UGH... now I know what's been eating my pansies...
victoriaporter *: Tiny, shiny bee (?) in the Argyranthemum...
victoriaporter *: Spider Spinning Web in my Astilbe...
victoriaporter *: This one is for lowlight47... now do you know what sex I am?
victoriaporter *: Spider in the Astilbe... web at its best...
victoriaporter *: Me and my shadow... tiny iridescence at rest... FLY!
victoriaporter *: Missed... Mr. Bee on approach... doesn't quite hit the flower blossom...
victoriaporter *: Oh go on... You don't really want my picture... Do you???