VictoriaJarvis: me and the sign outside my bunk house
VictoriaJarvis: headed back to the trailhead, that's Ruby Lake at the base of Mount Starr
VictoriaJarvis: down the mountain
VictoriaJarvis: down the mountain
VictoriaJarvis: view from Mount Mills summit 13,451'
VictoriaJarvis: Mount Mills summit, we made it!
VictoriaJarvis: Al signing our first peak registrar! First people to summit the mountain in 2014!
VictoriaJarvis: Mount Mills summit, we made it!
VictoriaJarvis: Up the couloir
VictoriaJarvis: taking a rest on the couloir
VictoriaJarvis: base camp
VictoriaJarvis: Al at base camp
VictoriaJarvis: eve of the blood moon eclipse
VictoriaJarvis: end of the day, I was real tired so Al left me encouraging notes
VictoriaJarvis: leaving Ruby Lake, headed towards Mills Lake
VictoriaJarvis: leaving Ruby Lake, headed towards Mills Lake
VictoriaJarvis: leaving Ruby Lake, headed towards Mills Lake
VictoriaJarvis: Ryan and Al headed towards Ruby Lake
VictoriaJarvis: heading south into Little Lakes Valley
VictoriaJarvis: the truck
VictoriaJarvis: Owens River Gorge
VictoriaJarvis: top of the Iris Slab getting ready to repel down
VictoriaJarvis: bottom of the Iris Slab
VictoriaJarvis: Al climbing the Iris Slab
VictoriaJarvis: Al coming down from the Iris Slab
VictoriaJarvis: view of the Sherwin Range of the Sierras from the truck at the hot spings we camped at