VictoriaJarvis: I hitch hiked to Oakland
VictoriaJarvis: My second ride: Ashland to Oakland
VictoriaJarvis: My second ride dropped me off at Lanesplitter
VictoriaJarvis: Kate's guest bed
VictoriaJarvis: Kate's guest bed
VictoriaJarvis: Neise at Kayes
VictoriaJarvis: Sam and Kate at Kayes
VictoriaJarvis: Kate outside of Kayes aka duhduhduh damn!
VictoriaJarvis: Fix without Dix
VictoriaJarvis: Fix without Dix
VictoriaJarvis: Fix without Dix
VictoriaJarvis: Courtney!
VictoriaJarvis: me drinkin stinkin and never thinkin
VictoriaJarvis: Courtney fixes Kate up
VictoriaJarvis: Kate on Courtney's porch
VictoriaJarvis: Kate on Courtney's porch
VictoriaJarvis: Kate fell that day too
VictoriaJarvis: Kate fixes Courtney's stem
VictoriaJarvis: 2 tall cans too many?
VictoriaJarvis: Kate's note for me by her guest bed
VictoriaJarvis: Jacob in the psychedelic grass
VictoriaJarvis: Mister blue sky please tell us why you had to hide away for so long
VictoriaJarvis: Tall cans and sunshine at the Ports
VictoriaJarvis: Tall cans and sunshine at the Ports
VictoriaJarvis: Laying the wrong way
VictoriaJarvis: Jacob at Mama Buzz
VictoriaJarvis: Jacob at Mama Buzz
VictoriaJarvis: Note from Kate!