VictoriaJarvis: Pre-drive meet up at Ellens
VictoriaJarvis: Erin came too!
VictoriaJarvis: Anna and Ellen en route to Seattle
VictoriaJarvis: Cute dog pit stop
VictoriaJarvis: 1-5 north
VictoriaJarvis: Rain city
VictoriaJarvis: Rain city
VictoriaJarvis: Erin knew the bartender
VictoriaJarvis: We met up with Al who flew into Seattle that day
VictoriaJarvis: Space Needle
VictoriaJarvis: Jason + Anna 4evor
VictoriaJarvis: the part of little red riding hood will be played by me
VictoriaJarvis: Ellen's so cute!
VictoriaJarvis: Space Needle
VictoriaJarvis: Space Needle
VictoriaJarvis: doodz part 2
VictoriaJarvis: Band photo
VictoriaJarvis: there were about 12 of us in the van
VictoriaJarvis: back of the van
VictoriaJarvis: inside The Holy Mountain
VictoriaJarvis: inside The Holy Mountain
VictoriaJarvis: outside The Holy Mountain
VictoriaJarvis: Ninja Anna
VictoriaJarvis: Pretty smeary Ellen