VictoriaJarvis: my bike in the CV BART bathroom
VictoriaJarvis: Klein at Rockridge BART
VictoriaJarvis: Klein at Rockridge BART
VictoriaJarvis: Klein at Rockridge BART
VictoriaJarvis: Bike pile
VictoriaJarvis: the line up
VictoriaJarvis: Go day glo or glo home!
VictoriaJarvis: New tires, new saddle, repacked bearings
VictoriaJarvis: New tires, new saddle, repacked bearings
VictoriaJarvis: I have the coolest bike I've ever seen
VictoriaJarvis: It's not easy being beautiful
VictoriaJarvis: BLUE from the back
VictoriaJarvis: PINK from the front
VictoriaJarvis: IMGP0259
VictoriaJarvis: IMGP0258
VictoriaJarvis: IMGP0255
VictoriaJarvis: IMGP0241
VictoriaJarvis: IMGP0240
VictoriaJarvis: IMGP0238
VictoriaJarvis: IMGP0227
VictoriaJarvis: IMGP0225
VictoriaJarvis: IMGP0223
VictoriaJarvis: eno flip flop hub
VictoriaJarvis: sweet brake housing
VictoriaJarvis: crocheted toe clips