VictoriaJarvis: IMGP0016
VictoriaJarvis: A rare shot of Chris whose hat made his face unphotoable most of the trip
VictoriaJarvis: "Tuttle Lodge" aka the cabin
VictoriaJarvis: Woodsy the owl says pack yer trash!
VictoriaJarvis: post death hike lunch! Before Death hike part 2: return to the lake
VictoriaJarvis: Is it funny or just really lame? You be the judge!
VictoriaJarvis: IMGP0003
VictoriaJarvis: middle of nature barrel
VictoriaJarvis: Death hike part 2: UPHILL!
VictoriaJarvis: Death hike part 2: UPHILL!
VictoriaJarvis: Death hike part 2: UPHILL!
VictoriaJarvis: Death hike part 2: UPHILL!
VictoriaJarvis: Death hike part 2: UPHILL!
VictoriaJarvis: Death hike part 2: UPHILL!
VictoriaJarvis: Dad puts the can in wait...
VictoriaJarvis: Dad puts the can in wait...
VictoriaJarvis: Aunt Sharon insisted on Mickey Mouse shaped pancakes
VictoriaJarvis: Uncle Ben spying
VictoriaJarvis: Uncle Ben spying
VictoriaJarvis: The moving of the throne!
VictoriaJarvis: The moving of the throne!
VictoriaJarvis: The moving of the throne!
VictoriaJarvis: The moving of the throne!
VictoriaJarvis: soy jerky face
VictoriaJarvis: chris with elk antlers
VictoriaJarvis: the loft as seen from the lower level
VictoriaJarvis: row boat