VictoriaJarvis: Dog drives car in Willits because his owners are to stoned
VictoriaJarvis: Long exposure of brams car stereo
VictoriaJarvis: matt checks out mary
VictoriaJarvis: blow drying pen ink
VictoriaJarvis: holding hands from matt's foot's point of view
VictoriaJarvis: chewing face
VictoriaJarvis: hey no pictures!
VictoriaJarvis: I'm ready for my close up
VictoriaJarvis: good shot of friends
VictoriaJarvis: bert drink so fast i can hardly capture the beer
VictoriaJarvis: teach us
VictoriaJarvis: reflections of the day
VictoriaJarvis: alone matt
VictoriaJarvis: before and after
VictoriaJarvis: before and after2
VictoriaJarvis: before and after3
VictoriaJarvis: before and after4
VictoriaJarvis: bram and matt
VictoriaJarvis: where'd ya go buddy
VictoriaJarvis: gawd burto is sooo boring
VictoriaJarvis: check out my roger rabbit pin
VictoriaJarvis: behind your back