victor*f: Party in Genova docks
victor*f: Apéro
victor*f: Waiting for the ferry
victor*f: Dockside picnic
victor*f: Dockside
victor*f: Dani gets out the last of the beers
victor*f: Silvester!
victor*f: How much longer?
victor*f: No mistake where we're going
victor*f: Sister ship, same characters
victor*f: 6:45am
victor*f: Be prepared
victor*f: Adventure
victor*f: Spaghetti alla tarantina
victor*f: Choices
victor*f: Shopping
victor*f: Getting the hang of things, I
victor*f: Pottering
victor*f: Getting the hang of things, II
victor*f: Birthday dress
victor*f: Calypso on one of his visits
victor*f: Greek for Sardinia
victor*f: Evening light
victor*f: Peace
victor*f: Peace
victor*f: Peace
victor*f: Not amused
victor*f: Body-boarding
victor*f: Evening swim