victor*f: Maria Tichomirowa
victor*f: Encore
victor*f: Some souvenirs before the audience arrives
victor*f: Tuning up
victor*f: One happy family
victor*f: Alisa Pastukhova and Dimitrij Smirnow, waiting for their duet
victor*f: Alexander Boldachev
victor*f: Anastassija Sokolowa
victor*f: The school director with Alisa and Dimitrij
victor*f: Alisa and Maria at the end of their duet
victor*f: Maria and Alisa
victor*f: Anastassija Braginskaja and Anastassija Sokolowa
victor*f: Anastassija Braginskaja
victor*f: Alisa and Dimitrij preparing for Bizet's Carmen Fantasie for violin and piano
victor*f: Dimitrij and Alisa take their encore
victor*f: Young musicians on the Stiftung Petersburg tour of Switzerland