victor*f: An Alouette catches the early morning sun as it checks out the valley floor
victor*f: F-18 with afterburner in the Swiss Alps, about to head up over the Schwarzhorn
victor*f: F-18, heading on up
victor*f: 08:30 and the first warming rays of the sun
victor*f: This way up
victor*f: Axalp Fliegerdemo spectator areas at 2300m (7500ft)
victor*f: Patrouille Suisse
victor*f: Super Puma firing off anti heat-seeking-missile flares
victor*f: Mountainside target being hit with explosive shells
victor*f: Cannon fire from the F-18s on target
victor*f: F-18 in the curve
victor*f: Left on the cyclic, up on the collective
victor*f: Smoke on
victor*f: Patrouille Suisse flies past the Schwarzhorn
victor*f: Farewell from the Patrouille Suisse
victor*f: The long way down after the air display
victor*f: Pilot's view of the Swiss air force Axalp Ebenfluh shooting range