victor*f: CHDK intervalometer settings
victor*f: Lucy's turn at breaking an arm
victor*f: Nikki looking unusually alert
victor*f: Bedtime for Grischu
victor*f: Grischu being stroked by Lucy
victor*f: Sechselauten
victor*f: Bike ride in Tösstal
victor*f: Geocaching near home
victor*f: At the baker's
victor*f: Nina racing in the ski school
victor*f: 2004
victor*f: Picking up our self-cut christmas tree
victor*f: Charly and Lucy in the chocolate factory
victor*f: Shopping for chairs, just before Christmas
victor*f: Geocaching at the Altburg castle, near Regensdorf
victor*f: Zürcher Oberland
victor*f: Zürcher Oberland
victor*f: Playground
victor*f: 2004
victor*f: Knabenschiessen
victor*f: 2004
victor*f: Sisters
victor*f: Giggling session
victor*f: 1. August
victor*f: Bauernhofbrunch and Nina's 5th birthday
victor*f: Field of dandelions
victor*f: Group photo plus 1
victor*f: Snow candles on the balcony
victor*f: Two's company
victor*f: Business cards?