David from Reisterstown:
David from Reisterstown:
Photographed on My Evening Bike Ride
David from Reisterstown:
Photographed on My Evening Bike Ride
David from Reisterstown:
Photographed on My Evening Bike Ride
David from Reisterstown:
Photographed on My Evening Bike Ride
David from Reisterstown:
Photographed on My Evening Bike Ride
David from Reisterstown:
Photographed on My Evening Bike Ride
David from Reisterstown:
Cow Near Clear Spring Maryland
David from Reisterstown:
Religious Dude Ranch in Baltimore County
David from Reisterstown:
Barn Near Hagerstown Maryland
David from Reisterstown:
Inpound Pond on the C&O Canal (It doesn't work anymore.)
David from Reisterstown:
Along the Mason-Dixon Line in Central Maryland
David from Reisterstown:
Looking for Wildlife Reserve in MD, Never Found It
David from Reisterstown:
Looking for Wildlife Reserve in MD, Never Found It
David from Reisterstown:
The name is "Little Falls" it is on my bike ride most every week day.
David from Reisterstown:
Cow Near Clear Spring Maryland
David from Reisterstown:
I have seen two copperheads here. They like the warm rocks in the Spring and Fall.
David from Reisterstown:
Religious Dude Ranch in Baltimore County
David from Reisterstown:
I believe I am fortunate to be able to ride my bike every day in such an environment.
David from Reisterstown:
Religious Dude Ranch in Baltimore County
David from Reisterstown:
The name is "Little Falls" it is on my bike ride most every week day.
David from Reisterstown:
The name is "Little Falls" it is on my bike ride most every week day.
David from Reisterstown:
Bossie old girl, must you urinate now!
David from Reisterstown:
At one time Mail Pouch chewing Tobacco painted the farmer's barn, shed or stable and in turn the farmer allowed the sign.
David from Reisterstown:
Foulton County, Pennsylvania
David from Reisterstown:
Foulton County
David from Reisterstown:
Little Falls near sunset.
David from Reisterstown:
Foulton County
David from Reisterstown:
I must say, the Runt's are doing a marvelous job.
David from Reisterstown:
In these poor counties homes like this are still occupied.