VicPhotos: Perpetual Motion
VicPhotos: Planes, 1968, Trisha Brown Dance Company
VicPhotos: World without Sun, by Christine Davis, Toronto
VicPhotos: White Dwarf, by An Te Liu, Nuit Blanche Toronto 2012
VicPhotos: Lenticularis, by Jonah Humphrey, Andrea Ling, Spencer Rand, Patrick Svilans & Johnathan Wong, Nuit Blanche Toronto 2012
VicPhotos: Invisible Streams: As Above, So Below, by Alfred Engerer, Nuit Blanche Toronto 2012
VicPhotos: Green Invaders, by Yves Caizergues, France
VicPhotos: The Bean's landing
VicPhotos: "The Bean" or "The Donut"?
VicPhotos: "The Bean" or "The Mushroom"?
VicPhotos: Bringing in the stars