Vicky in Bath: The beginning - day 1
Vicky in Bath: Kaysie demonstrating how to make a teapot handle
Vicky in Bath: Everybody's plates drying
Vicky in Bath: Teapot handles, drying
Vicky in Bath: A selection of teacup handles
Vicky in Bath: Pulling a teapot spout
Vicky in Bath: many many colours!
Vicky in Bath: my spouts, drying
Vicky in Bath: my teacup handles
Vicky in Bath: cutting foam core circles
Vicky in Bath: word of the day - bevel!
Vicky in Bath: stacking foamcore to make a "foot" for the teacup
Vicky in Bath: trimming the foamcore to make the foot for the teapot
Vicky in Bath: Kaysie starting to carve the teapot
Vicky in Bath: beginning to carve my teapot!
Vicky in Bath: the base of my teapot, carved
Vicky in Bath: ready to carve the top half (two-thirds, actually) of the teapot
Vicky in Bath: Kaysie carving
Vicky in Bath: my teapot, in progress
Vicky in Bath: my carved teapot cake
Vicky in Bath: Day 2 - brrrrr, chilly!
Vicky in Bath: A frosty start
Vicky in Bath: teapot covered, ready to start day 2
Vicky in Bath: Kaysie demonstrating
Vicky in Bath: My teapot & lid, with lips
Vicky in Bath: Painting, pottery style
Vicky in Bath: My teapot, turning purple!
Vicky in Bath: Kaysie working on her teacup
Vicky in Bath: marking stripes on my teacup