~Sage~: ~Woodlawn Beach State Park~
~Sage~: ~Glorious last days of autumn~
~Sage~: ~Glorious last days of autumn~
~Sage~: ~Pining Away~
~Sage~: ~Last of the Letchworth Leaves~
~Sage~: ~Autumn Leaf~
~Sage~: ~Autumn Colors~
~Sage~: ~Creekbed~
~Sage~: ~Water Lily on Walden Pond"
~Sage~: ~Jewels of the Chicory~
~Sage~: ~Fallen~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~Sage~: ~Hatch 'n go!
~Sage~: ~What is it?
~Sage~: ~Got an itch~
~Sage~: ~Peck, Peck, Peck~
~Sage~: ~Looks like a good spot!
~Sage~: ~Red-tail female flying off~
~Sage~: ~Double Header~
~Sage~: ~Find the Red-tailed Hawk~
~Sage~: ~October day at the beach~
~Sage~: ~Ducky Nap~
~Sage~: ~About to get lucky~
~Sage~: ~Edge of the pond~
~Sage~: ~Akron State Park~
~Sage~: ~Roger is dedicated to the task!
~Sage~: ~Niagara Falls in Winter~
~Sage~: ~Ice-encrusted trees @ Niagara Falls~
~Sage~: ~Upper Falls at Letchworth~
~Sage~: ~Sapsucker Woods Rocks~
~Sage~: ~Sapsucker Snags~