Pouf at Work 2
Goosey in our Yard
A Pouf-the-Squirrel Stamp!
Cute Alpaca
A Buffalo near Buffalo
No, I'm not going to eat you...I'm just going to shoot you...with my camera!
Having a ducky conversation!
~Groundhog up a Tree~
Groundhog Up a Tree 1
Movin' out!
Chipmunk on the Stump
Daddy Gander!
Mama Goose sitting on the Nest
Daddy Goose
Goose-steppin' Daddy Goose
Llama couple
Squirrel up a Tree
Squirrel up a Tree Stopping to Pose
Backyard Bunny Rabbit
Bunny - Happy in Clover
Mayfly on car window
Turtle spotted in stream from bridge above
Goose Family Stopping for Lunch
Snow Goose gosling
Snow Geese
Snow Geese coming ashore to eat
Mama Goose and Goslings
One-legged Goose Looking at his Reflection
Canada Geese on Mirror Lake