Vicki's Nature: Tiger in purple
Vicki's Nature: pink delight
Vicki's Nature: Fiery skipper on pink hibiscus bud
Vicki's Nature: Gray hairstreak on giant coneflower
Vicki's Nature: newly eclosed Black swallowtail
Vicki's Nature: my little buddy
Vicki's Nature: cranking up the woodwinds IV
Vicki's Nature: Female tiger swallowtail in purple
Vicki's Nature: winter's pink delights
Vicki's Nature: Female Halloween pennant blowing in the wind
Vicki's Nature: Carolina saddlebags, male (Tramea carolina)
Vicki's Nature: Merry Christmas everyone!
Vicki's Nature: Nature's Christmas ornaments
Vicki's Nature: delicate summer dance
Vicki's Nature: Black swallowtail caterpillar balancing act
Vicki's Nature: Halloween pennant - last of the season
Vicki's Nature: Long-tailed skipper on lantana blossoms
Vicki's Nature: Monet's bridge in Autumn colors
Vicki's Nature: have a fritillary Thanksgiving
Vicki's Nature: A Thanksgiving dragonfly - Shadow darner (Aeshna umbrosa)
Vicki's Nature: ode to Summer ...
Vicki's Nature: be on alert for creepy monsters out there ...
Vicki's Nature: cranking up the woodwinds III
Vicki's Nature: high wire act
Vicki's Nature: Halloween Pennant on a hot summer day
Vicki's Nature: the colors of my late-September yard
Vicki's Nature: fields of gold
Vicki's Nature: somebody needs a manicure ...
Vicki's Nature: 12-spotted skimmers are back
Vicki's Nature: cranking up the woodwinds II