VIC Hiking & Mountaineering Club:
Philipp of the Biosphere Reserve gives us background on today's job.
VIC Hiking & Mountaineering Club:
Clearing a meadow...
VIC Hiking & Mountaineering Club:
... is pretty hard...
VIC Hiking & Mountaineering Club:
... work...
VIC Hiking & Mountaineering Club:
... but also great fun!
VIC Hiking & Mountaineering Club:
A group of young asylum seekers also chipped in.
VIC Hiking & Mountaineering Club:
We removed huge loads of invasive plants.
VIC Hiking & Mountaineering Club:
Lunchtime lecture on the Biosphere Reserve by Christian Diry of the park management.
VIC Hiking & Mountaineering Club:
The abandoned Harzberg quarry where two different types of rock are visible along a geological fault line.
VIC Hiking & Mountaineering Club:
Hands-on geology.
VIC Hiking & Mountaineering Club:
A natural cave...
VIC Hiking & Mountaineering Club:
... and a man-made one.
VIC Hiking & Mountaineering Club:
On our way to the Vöslauer Hütte.
VIC Hiking & Mountaineering Club:
Sun and shade on the pine trees.
VIC Hiking & Mountaineering Club:
In the past, the pine trees were tapped for resin.
VIC Hiking & Mountaineering Club:
Contented faces after our visit to the Vöslauer Hütte.
VIC Hiking & Mountaineering Club:
In the Hoher Lindkogel core zone of the Biosphere Reserve.
VIC Hiking & Mountaineering Club:
The ridge in the middle distance was once a river bed. On the horizon: the Hohe Wand. Foreground: abandoned meadows.
VIC Hiking & Mountaineering Club:
End of the day at a Gainfarn Heuriger.