lfalterbauer: 2I1A4613-Edit-2a
JonnyIomini38: ,,09,03,24,miste 111
Clive Brown 72: Whippet pup portrait - Cai 6.5 months
davidlawrence15: Great white Egret.
flintframer: My tundra buddy.
Eric Gofreed: Toucan's Serenade
CR Courson: Marsh Wren
craig goettsch: What's Up?!?
davidlawrence15: Spoonbills.
Clive Brown 72: Female Great Spotted Woodpecker ( Dendrocopos major) -
micro60: Grey heron (Ardea cinerea) and cattle egrets (Bubulcus ibis)
hd.niel: Ready to Fledge
aiglonne: Aigrette garzette - Egretta garzetta - Little Egret
Santiago GV: Abejaruco europeo / European Bee-eater (Merops apiaster)
Loren Mooney: Vermilion flycatcher in flight. I’ve been trying for a while to get this shot. They are super quick and hard to capture in flight. Tucson Arizona. May, 2022.
Jose M Gil: Elanio común. (Elanus caeruleus).
Daniel.Pettersson: Black-winged Kite | svartvingad glada | Elanus caeruleus
Daniel.Pettersson: Spectacled Warbler | glasögonsångare | Sylvia conspicillata
Richo14: Whitethroat.
Allen Sparks: Eastern Bluebird, female
lime1957: Horned Grebe
jmvillarroya: 108A5271cvm
Judylynn M.: Changing Direction !!!!
Margaret S.S: ~ Long-tailed tit ~ Explored
Alain Daigle: Carouge à épaulettes \ Red-winged Blackbird
Loren Mooney: Great Gray Owl (Explored)
PericlesBrea: Mellisuga minima ♀