Vic Acid: Joe, Laura, and fish
Vic Acid: A TV better than TV
Vic Acid: The Aquarium Crew
Vic Acid: Simple swarm
Vic Acid: Orbs and curves
Vic Acid: Orbs and curves #2
Vic Acid: Folding path
Vic Acid: A screen seldom seen
Vic Acid: The first shimmer gets you
Vic Acid: Reality, brought to you by Technicolor
Vic Acid: Fish and coral
Vic Acid: First shots of coral
Vic Acid: Fishy, fishy, who's got the fishy?
Vic Acid: Blur of color
Vic Acid: Pink fishy cyclone
Vic Acid: The coral in the high castle
Vic Acid: Another corner shot
Vic Acid: Wider perspective
Vic Acid: Flawed, but interesting
Vic Acid: Scuttling across ocean floors
Vic Acid: Copper-colored
Vic Acid: TV or jellyfish porthole?
Vic Acid: Brully jerryfish exprosion ichiban!
Vic Acid: There is no up or down
Vic Acid: Sci-fi jellyfish
Vic Acid: Long tangle
Vic Acid: Red dancers
Vic Acid: More red dancers
Vic Acid: More more red dancers
Vic Acid: In threes