vhines200: man with a flag on his wheelchair, Buddha Bar
vhines200: man arguing politics
vhines200: man wearing a hoodie
vhines200: elderly lady, Stockton Street
vhines200: waving goodbye
vhines200: woman with a Prada handbag
vhines200: waiting for the bus
vhines200: National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts
vhines200: elderly man sitting on a wall
vhines200: elderly sidewalk vendor
vhines200: man with a cane
vhines200: elderly men
vhines200: elderly woman, Sha Tin
vhines200: elderly woman, Portsmouth Square
vhines200: elderly man, Washington Street
vhines200: lady with a cane
vhines200: elderly native American
vhines200: South Asian ladies
vhines200: family wearing hats
vhines200: Portsmouth Square
vhines200: reading the newspaper, Portsmouth Square
vhines200: retirement home, San Leandro
vhines200: veteran
vhines200: old man
vhines200: Oasis RV Park
vhines200: two old men
vhines200: couple testing massage equment
vhines200: Pat, Niland California
vhines200: elderly woman taking a nap
vhines200: disabled man in care home