Palinka: Saddle up!
Palinka: Justin, Gretchen
Palinka: Demetrios & John
Palinka: Jill & Nicole
Palinka: Gretchen & Vanessa
Palinka: Mike & Jesse
Palinka: Who are we?
Palinka: Brendan & Demetrios
Palinka: The reason for the season.
Palinka: To 40 years well lived!
Palinka: Odell Brewery
Palinka: What's in that Platypus?
Palinka: Suds
Palinka: Nicole & Vanessa
Palinka: Jesse breaks out his moves.
Palinka: Odell's patio
Palinka: It is 1 pm & we are happier still.
Palinka: Ryan & Jeff
Palinka: Tray in the sunshine
Palinka: Photoshoot with the Burns' Bros.
Palinka: A blaze
Palinka: It's the end of the tour as we know it.