victor_guinea: Route 66
victor_guinea: Picturing at Monument Valley
victor_guinea: SF 1776
victor_guinea: Road Trip Sandwich
victor_guinea: Bryce Amphiteather
victor_guinea: Bryce Amphiteather
victor_guinea: Bryce Amphiteather
victor_guinea: Stone Arch at Bryce
victor_guinea: Kabbi Olympiade
victor_guinea: Kabbi Olympiade
victor_guinea: Fosters Family Steak House
victor_guinea: Stone Arch at Redwoods
victor_guinea: Top of the dune
victor_guinea: At the top of the dune
victor_guinea: Yes they had fan!
victor_guinea: coral pink dunes
victor_guinea: tree trunk
victor_guinea: Colorado horseshoe
victor_guinea: Rallying Antilope
victor_guinea: At Antilope NP
victor_guinea: Lightbean at Antilope NP
victor_guinea: Lightbean at Antilope NP
victor_guinea: Lightbean at Antilope NP
victor_guinea: On the Road
victor_guinea: Four friends :)
victor_guinea: Road to Monument Valley
victor_guinea: Road to Monument Valley
victor_guinea: Road to Monument Valley
victor_guinea: Road to Monument Valley