vfutscher: Angola Mapa anos 60
vfutscher: nestles-milk-banner
vfutscher: 1955-Nestl-em-Avanca
vfutscher: A.P. van der Graaf
vfutscher: A.P. e Elizabeth
vfutscher: ZUID Luanda
vfutscher: In the warehouse
vfutscher: Casa Holandesa
vfutscher: photo-5
vfutscher: Agfa
vfutscher: A DTA Fokker F-27-200 at Benguela Airport in 1965.
vfutscher: 3 A residencia, front garden
vfutscher: 2 A residencia, front garden
vfutscher: 8 With Dutch padre
vfutscher: 16 Luanda port
vfutscher: 1 Causeway to the Ilha
vfutscher: 6 "Trip through South and Central Angola", Muhuila women, with cut off cone shells
vfutscher: Muhuila married women
vfutscher: Luanda, '50s
vfutscher: 13 Luanda, no Marginal
vfutscher: 12 Colonization project at Cela
vfutscher: 10 House of a colonist at Cela
vfutscher: 7 Ferry across the Quanza
vfutscher: Baobab
vfutscher: 5 The new Chevrolet, Sept '52
vfutscher: 17 Aerial view of Luanda- A Residencia, arrow marks the spot, with the Liceu, to the right
vfutscher: IGREJA LUTAMO 1
vfutscher: angola-dondi-mission-villages
vfutscher: Angola Missão Protestante
vfutscher: General Venâncio A. Deslandes (1909-1985)