Veterans For Peace: Ron Harayda & Virginia Druhe work at VFP merchandise table.
Veterans For Peace: Viet Cong medic bag carried by VFP member as tribute to their common bond.
Veterans For Peace: The Mini Bar...
Veterans For Peace: Huong artwork on display
Veterans For Peace: Shelly, hard at work
Veterans For Peace: Gerry Condon addressing workshop.
Veterans For Peace: Another workshop session.
Veterans For Peace: Ashville, NC flag in flight
Veterans For Peace: VFP member, David Slessinger
Veterans For Peace: VFP tent designed by Chapter 009, Boston.
Veterans For Peace: Free Bradley Manning!!!
Veterans For Peace: Addicted to War? Frank Dorrel, publisher.
Veterans For Peace: Frank Dorrel also distributes Blood on the Tracks, story of VFP member Brian Willson.
Veterans For Peace: World famous VFP blimp
Veterans For Peace: VFP blimp on display.
Veterans For Peace: Heroic efforts needed to move the blimp into the main meeting hall.
Veterans For Peace: VFP blimp on its way to the meeting room.
Veterans For Peace: Maybe if we let out just a little air?
Veterans For Peace: Nope, have to let out some air!
Veterans For Peace: Tarak Kauff addressing a session.
Veterans For Peace: Ellen Davidson, Ellen Barfield, Ben Griffen, Mike Tork and Tarak Kauff.
Veterans For Peace: Medea Benjamin & Ann Wright @ Drone Workshop
Veterans For Peace: VFP member & Doug Zachary