vespathetic: Little America
vespathetic: Grand America
vespathetic: Getting ready to leave Utah
vespathetic: Ugly Chandelier
vespathetic: Cast of Transmorfers
vespathetic: Transmorfers: Mormon Meets the Eye
vespathetic: Entrance to the Temple Square
vespathetic: Downtown Salt Lake
vespathetic: Giant Jesus
vespathetic: Temple Reflection
vespathetic: Temple Building
vespathetic: Golden Lion
vespathetic: Downtown Salt Lake
vespathetic: Deseret above Brigham Young's House
vespathetic: Larger Deseret
vespathetic: Imposing
vespathetic: Carmen Miranda's
vespathetic: Finally, a Book of Mormon
vespathetic: My room at the Little America
vespathetic: My room at the Little America, 2
vespathetic: Arriving in Salt Lake