veryty: Medium latte at the Coffee Plant_Spring Visit to Portland OR
veryty: Tulip stalwarts beside the parking lot_Spring Blooms in Portland OR
veryty: Yellow Tulip_Spring Blooms in Portland OR
veryty: Lily of the Valley closeup_Spring Blooms in Portland OR
veryty: Blooming hedge_Spring Blooms in Portland OR
veryty: Spiky flowerets_Spring Blooms in Portland OR
veryty: Spiky flowerets closeup_Spring Blooms in Portland OR
veryty: Yellow Azalea_Spring Blooms in Portland OR
veryty: Pink-tinged rhododendrons_Spring Blooms in Portland OR
veryty: Surprise springime colors_Spring Blooms in Portland OR
veryty: Hedge_Spring Blooms in Portland OR
veryty: Wisteria and climbing rose_Spring Blooms in Portland OR
veryty: Condo balcony draped in grape wisteria_Spring Blooms in Portland OR
veryty: Branches overhead beside the Willamette_Spring Blooms in Portland OR
veryty: Pathside LotV_Spring Blooms in Portland OR
veryty: Blotchy rhododendrons-bunched bloom_Spring Blooms in Portland OR
veryty: My regular table was taken_Spring Visit to Portland OR
veryty: Ivory-white rhododendrons in profusion_Spring Blooms in Portland OR
veryty: Ivory-white rhododendrons closeup_Spring Blooms in Portland OR
veryty: Tree Peony - Spring Blooms in Portland OR
veryty: Peony buds - Spring Blooms in Portland OR