bunky's pickle: An Unpardonable Abuse of Friendship comic, Puck May 5th, 1897
bunky's pickle: By Proxy comic, Puck May 5th, 1897
bunky's pickle: Creatures of Habit comic, Puck April 3rd, 1897
bunky's pickle: Made Them Laugh Puck, Puck April 7th, 1897
bunky's pickle: Our Sunday Clothes comic, Puck April 7th, 1897
bunky's pickle: Davis Sewing Machine Co. Dayton ad, Puck magazine April 7th, 1897
bunky's pickle: E.C. Stearns & Co. ad, Puck magazine April 7th, 1897
bunky's pickle: E.C. Stearns & Co. ad, Puck magazine May 5th, 1897
bunky's pickle: Eastman Kodak Co. Bicycle Kodak ad, Puck magazine May 5th, 1897
bunky's pickle: Gormully & Jeffery Rambler ad, Puck magazine Aprl 3rd, 1895
bunky's pickle: Hartford ad, Puck magazine April 7th, 1897
bunky's pickle: Monarch ad, Puck magazine Aprl 3rd, 1895
bunky's pickle: Monarch ad, Puck magazine April 7th, 1897
bunky's pickle: Monarch ad, Puck magazine May 5th, 1897
bunky's pickle: New Departure Bicycle Bells ad, Puck magazine April 7th, 1897
bunky's pickle: Overman Victor ad, Puck magazine September 9th, 1884
bunky's pickle: Overman Victor ad, Puck magazine October 22nd, 1884
bunky's pickle: Overman Victor ad, Puck magazine April 3rd, 1895
bunky's pickle: Peoria Rubber & Manufacturing Co. Patee ad, Puck magazine May 5th, 1897
bunky's pickle: Pope Columbia ad, Puck magazine September 9th, 1884
bunky's pickle: Pope Columbia ad, Puck magazine October 22nd, 1884
bunky's pickle: Pope Columbia ad, Puck magazine April 7th, 1897
bunky's pickle: Pope Columbia Hartford ad, Puck magazine May 5th, 1897
bunky's pickle: Indiana Bicycle Co. Waverley ad, Puck magazine April 7th, 1897
bunky's pickle: Indiana Bicycle Co. Waverley ad, Puck magazine April 3rd, 1895
bunky's pickle: Western Wheel Works Crescent ad, Puck magazine April 3rd, 1895
bunky's pickle: Western Wheel Works Crescent ad, Puck magazine May 5th, 1897