bunky's pickle:
NBC Orthacoustic label
bunky's pickle:
Young Kee instant disc label
bunky's pickle:
KALW - San Francisco Public Schools instantanteous disc
bunky's pickle:
Warner Automatic Voice Studio instant disc label
bunky's pickle:
Valley Appliance instant disc label
bunky's pickle:
Sherman-Clay home recording disc 1
bunky's pickle:
Picto-Sound instantaneous disc
bunky's pickle:
Happy Birthday, April 1, 1946. Chansonette. Barbara [Faye?]. Trilon Recording Co. instantaneous disc
bunky's pickle:
Las Altenitas, Sound Recorders instantaneous disc
bunky's pickle:
Memorycord Recording Service instantanteous disc label
bunky's pickle:
Victor Herbert, Victor 60056 with Central Phonograph Parlors sticker
bunky's pickle:
Central Phonograph Parlor sticker on Victor Red Seal 88498
bunky's pickle:
Clyde Doerr & Club Royal Orchestra, Victor 18921-A with Nathan-Dohrmann Co. sticker
bunky's pickle:
MacGregor & Ingram custom pressing c.1930-1931
bunky's pickle:
Leipzig Gewandhaus Wind Quintet, Polydor B29257 with White House sticker
bunky's pickle:
Hauschildt Music Co. sticker
bunky's pickle:
Einselen's store label sticker
bunky's pickle:
Original Memphis Five, Columbia A3924 with Wilson's sticker
bunky's pickle:
Paul Specht Columbia A3738 with Elkins Music House sticker
bunky's pickle:
Al Jolson, Columbia A2512 with Styles Music House sticker
bunky's pickle:
Bessie Smith, Columbia 14090-D with My Place Music Shop sticker
bunky's pickle:
Columbians, Columbia A3568 with Richard's Melody Shop sticker
bunky's pickle:
Monette Moore, Paramount 12015-A with Pankey's Music Shoppe sticker
bunky's pickle:
Clara Smith, Columbia 14053-D with Center Pharmacy sticker
bunky's pickle:
Dixie Washboard Band, Columbia 14128-D with Center Pharmacy sticker
bunky's pickle:
Ethel Waters, Columbia 561-D with Pankey's Music Shoppe sticker
bunky's pickle:
Ethel Waters, Black Swan 14117 with Pankey's sticker
bunky's pickle:
Frankie Trumbauer and his Orchestra, OKeh 41019 with Center Pharmacy sticker
bunky's pickle:
store sticker Oakland, Pankey's
bunky's pickle:
Curtis Mosby, Columbia 1191-D with Center Pharmacy sticker