verysimple: new post | the new world
verysimple: new post | the new world
verysimple: new post | the new world
verysimple: new post | the new world
verysimple: new post | the new world
verysimple: new post | the new world
verysimple: new post | the new world
verysimple: new post | the new world
verysimple: new post | the new world
verysimple: new post | the new world
verysimple: new post | the new world
verysimple: new post | the new world
verysimple: new post | the new world
verysimple: new post | the new world
verysimple: new post | the new world
verysimple: new post | the new world
verysimple: new post | the new world
verysimple: new post | the new world
verysimple: new post | the new world
verysimple: new post | the new world
verysimple: new post | the new world
verysimple: new post | the new world
verysimple: new post | the new world
verysimple: new post | the new world
verysimple: new post | the new world
verysimple: Blizzard! But I made it to work. I may be trapped here forever.
verysimple: New post | chrysler | I accidentally took this photo with my camera’s white balance on the wrong settings, but I think it ended up having a nice effect. View of the Chrysler building from 42nd street. | | (live link to blog in bio)
verysimple: Literally put my backpack down for two seconds.
verysimple: #notmypresident day.
verysimple: new post | (not my) presidents' day