verysimple: Sometimes you end up in the middle of a wedding photo shoot on a Sunday morning subway #i❤️ny ️
verysimple: Today's apple experiment - mini/cupcake sized apple pies. This is the last project. The apples have started turning and I had to discard more than I used today.
verysimple: Time for soup dumplings in Chinatown!
verysimple: Does anyone else think it's a problem that my iMac hasn't moved past this point in the OSX software update in 5 hours? #applefail
verysimple: Sadie will only sit in my lap during mid-afternoon nap time. But when she does, she fully commits!
verysimple: Yet another "public" event that puts my home inside a locked down "frozen zone". I love security theater. #tcsnycmarathon