verslibre: Streaming light at Diamond Jamboree.
verslibre: At the pumpkin patch.
verslibre: Anaheim Tree Lighting Ceremony
verslibre: At the ice rink
verslibre: Labbit with a 'stache
verslibre: Tilt-shift attempt.
verslibre: Sleeping Beauty.
verslibre: In the distance.
verslibre: Surfer.
verslibre: Merry-go-round of life.
verslibre: The whirling dervish
verslibre: Light in the darkness
verslibre: London bombs
verslibre: A menagerie of sorts
verslibre: Grey skies
verslibre: IKEA.
verslibre: window shopping.
verslibre: the koi pond.
verslibre: リラックマ
verslibre: At the ARC.
verslibre: Winter at Barranca Lake.
verslibre: The UC Irvine vendor fair.
verslibre: Bright lights
verslibre: Freedom pens.
verslibre: The Rave Wave.
verslibre: Baby chicks
verslibre: Pre-race