version3point1: out of service window
version3point1: 331.365.2011
version3point1: on the way to HKIA
version3point1: we survived
version3point1: waiting in HKIA
version3point1: 332.365.2011
version3point1: roo steak and salad
version3point1: roo meat
version3point1: a brew down under
version3point1: keys, locks and tumblers
version3point1: who said it was flat?
version3point1: 333.365.2011
version3point1: in the Aussie bush (where I can get a 3G signal, but can't with O2 at home in London)
version3point1: bush park
version3point1: abandoned car in the bush
version3point1: sunbaked door
version3point1: clearing in the bush by the creek
version3point1: 334.365.2011
version3point1: IMG_2412.jpg
version3point1: wildflowers
version3point1: wire grass
version3point1: TimTams and tea
version3point1: priorities during a zombie survival
version3point1: nursing a protest
version3point1: red rooster roll
version3point1: IMG_3384.jpg
version3point1: IMG_2426.jpg
version3point1: IMG_2429.jpg
version3point1: IMG_2430.jpg
version3point1: IMG_2432.jpg