verocita: That's no lady...
verocita: Prince impersonator
verocita: Midnight madness
verocita: view from kitchen
verocita: look! a deer!
verocita: real autumn colors!
verocita: Purrrrfect Petzzz
verocita: lil' lincoln n' me
verocita: lil' lincoln n' mike
verocita: Shakespeare U
verocita: Shakespeare U
verocita: to catch a leaf!
verocita: Lithia Park
verocita: tree leaning in the distance
verocita: quacks
verocita: olde tyme fountain
verocita: stairs to olde tyme fountain
verocita: progressive
verocita: as seen on Arrested Development
verocita: torta samplin'
verocita: surprised???
verocita: rainy in an idyllic sort of way
verocita: There is no sunlight in Oregon
verocita: en rue to SF
verocita: nightlife in small town oregon
verocita: prospect of cobbler
verocita: big big red
verocita: make it last a little longer
verocita: San FranZora