vernnyc: Random Bearded Guy
vernnyc: Morgan
vernnyc: You made a Police Box Out Of A Time Machine?
vernnyc: Zan and Jayna
vernnyc: Herman Along Side The TARDIS
vernnyc: GoW3 Posse Pose #1
vernnyc: GoW3 - Posse Pose #2
vernnyc: Is that Squirrel Girl?
vernnyc: What Do You Mean "It's Just A Model"?
vernnyc: The X is for, well, X ...
vernnyc: Ed Luce
vernnyc: Drawing With An Audience
vernnyc: WW Close Up
vernnyc: An Alternate Wonder Woman
vernnyc: The Comic-Con possee and the author of "Badass"
vernnyc: Oh my Blog! I am totally using your content!
vernnyc: Googally ... it is super hero porn!
vernnyc: Wonder Woman
vernnyc: Star Trek Meets Hello Kitty Rainbow Brite?
vernnyc: Kilt. Eat. Sleep. Read.
vernnyc: Steam Punks
vernnyc: Ray Guns
vernnyc: Super!
vernnyc: I forget who this is ... he's famous though
vernnyc: Bearish Sellers of Comics
vernnyc: Captains America
vernnyc: DSCN0971
vernnyc: War Gods got back
vernnyc: Sparta who?
vernnyc: Laura and Herman