vernontrent: coffee klatch
vernontrent: Christian
vernontrent: intense
vernontrent: stories from the streets [MH]
vernontrent: water from a wine leaf...
vernontrent: I wish I never saw the sunshine...
vernontrent: silence that speaks so much louder than words…
vernontrent: any colour you like...
vernontrent: out of the corner of my eye…
vernontrent: across the clouds, I see my shadow fly…
vernontrent: arising through the other ground
vernontrent: tip-toe into twilight...
vernontrent: I have no plan to be anywhere else but here
vernontrent: it shimmers and it glows for some people. I know it shines…
vernontrent: domburg dunes
vernontrent: I I I I I I
vernontrent: --/-i---- [cyanotype]
vernontrent: Eva [cyanotype]
vernontrent: Eva [kallitype]
vernontrent: Fredau