Vern Smith: Spider
Vern Smith: Feeding an animal
Vern Smith: Bird standing on one leg
Vern Smith: A bug
Vern Smith: White Rhinoceros
Vern Smith: Spider's web
Vern Smith: Magpie
Vern Smith: Cicada
Vern Smith: Dotterel
Vern Smith: Daddy Longlegs Spider
Vern Smith: Giant Leaf Eating Garden Destroying Slug
Vern Smith: Take me to your Leader
Vern Smith: English Song Thrush
Vern Smith: English Song Thrush
Vern Smith: AnyBodyHome
Vern Smith: Cicada soaking up the sun
Vern Smith: monarch
Vern Smith: mantis&wasp
Vern Smith: A fly dropped in for a rest
Vern Smith: Cicada
Vern Smith: Pukeko Wings
Vern Smith: Pukeko
Vern Smith: Dotterill
Vern Smith: Newly hatched
Vern Smith: Dragon Fly
Vern Smith: Gannet
Vern Smith: Waiting Spider
Vern Smith: Dinner
Vern Smith: new_monarch