Seth Holton: nick coleman glacier seracs
Seth Holton: nick coleman glacier seracs
Seth Holton: random skiers, sunny day, roman wall
Seth Holton: frank heading toward the roman wall
Seth Holton: north ridge seracs
Seth Holton: north ridge seracs
Seth Holton: north ridge seracs
Seth Holton: Roosevelt glacier
Seth Holton: north ridge seracs
Seth Holton: Frank, north ridge.. off the deck
Seth Holton: frank sunrise
Seth Holton: baker crevasse maze
Seth Holton: Frank sunrise
Seth Holton: eben's truck nap mobile
Seth Holton: scott fennel. roman wall
Seth Holton: scott fennel. roman wall
Seth Holton: eben. colfax
Seth Holton: north ridge top out
Seth Holton: Baker plateau
Seth Holton: baker choss
Seth Holton: baker vent
Seth Holton: Nick, adult jungle gym