grammiev: 20180812-MG_7389 Morning in Waterton
grammiev: 20180607-IMG_3779 bear and dandelions
grammiev: 20170906-IMG_9487 Hawks and Harvest
grammiev: 20170707-IMG_8219 Living in a bubble
grammiev: 20170614-IMG_3309 pollination
grammiev: 20170506-IMG_2274 Buds and Bubbles
grammiev: 20170423-IMG_9230 Magnet Mash Up Macro
grammiev: 20170326-IMG_7087 Cloth Textile
grammiev: 20170324-IMG_7040 Dutch Masters Still Life
grammiev: 20170323-IMG_6999 Pussy Willows... Spring for sure
grammiev: 20170312-IMG_6419 glass and metal
grammiev: 20170210-IMG_0600 penguin
grammiev: 20170122-IMG_9832 It's A-Peeling To Me ... When an avocado peel hosts a game-day snack HMM
grammiev: 20161229-IMG_3482 out in the country
grammiev: 20161104-IMG_7563 A walk around the lake
grammiev: 20161031-IMG_1859 HMM Spooky-Scary
grammiev: 20161021-IMG_7484 Promise of more next year...
grammiev: 20161011-IMG_7093 Reflecting Pond
grammiev: 20160925-IMG_1309 Red Deer River lightly dressed for fall
grammiev: 20160913-IMG_6076 Basking in the sunshine
grammiev: 20160905-IMG_5763 I puzzled over what to do this week HMM Trains
grammiev: 20160824-IMG_9174... Seen at Red Lodge Park... Bella ... Kinda looks like Lucy!
grammiev: 20160728IMG_3321
grammiev: 20160710-IMG_7048 It's strawberry season
grammiev: 20160617-IMG_0575 Shooting for the moon
grammiev: 20160510-IMG_4044 A bear and a bath... splashing
grammiev: 20160504-IMG_3352 Blossoms
grammiev: 20160330-IMG_2609 Macro Monday...Two ..2 stars for star anise
grammiev: IMG_2158 Assignment--Something that takes you back
grammiev: 20160228-IMG_2023...Watch for More Macro