grammiev: 20150517-IMG_4571pst Olivia
grammiev: 20150516-IMG_4434 Olivia
grammiev: Camping in Alberta
grammiev: 20140823-IMG_1158
grammiev: The Ancient Cottonwood Interpretive Trail winds through a grove of the world's oldest-known black cottonwood trees, with the most ancient dating back 400 years. Towering as high as an eight-story building, these trees provide homes for many species, inclu
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grammiev: IMG_3629
grammiev: Canada Day
grammiev: Canada Day Hay Ride
grammiev: Canada Day Party
grammiev: Science Center Calgary
grammiev: Science Center Calgary
grammiev: 20141012-IMG_9002
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grammiev: Salmon family
grammiev: 20170928-IMG_0621 Olivia
grammiev: 20170928-IMG_0638 Autumn
grammiev: 20170929-IMG_0198 Olivia in the sunflowers2
grammiev: 20160623-IMG_5480 Marshmallow