grammiev: _MG_2003
grammiev: A great place to watch...
grammiev: _MG_2134
grammiev: _MG_2135
grammiev: _MG_2136
grammiev: _MG_2144
grammiev: _MG_2147
grammiev: camera bag
grammiev: Rust
grammiev: Exploring Ucluelet BC
grammiev: A'tuin
grammiev: running on the beach 2013
grammiev: 20200828-P8280193 view from the willow maze
grammiev: 20200828-P8280191 CATERPILLER
grammiev: thanksgiving weekend
grammiev: The University of Alberta Devonian Botanic Garden
grammiev: 20140828-IMG_1355
grammiev: Colors
grammiev: 20140823-IMG_1039
grammiev: The Ancient Cottonwood Interpretive Trail
grammiev: The Ancient Cottonwood Interpretive Trail winds through a grove of the world's oldest-known black cottonwood trees, with the most ancient dating back 400 years. Towering as high as an eight-story building, these trees provide homes for many species, inclu
grammiev: 20140823-IMG_1032
grammiev: Ladybug
grammiev: 365/118...Pussywillows & Ladybug
grammiev: Ladybug
grammiev: Pussy Willow
grammiev: Pussy Willow
grammiev: 20140607-IMG_1156-2
grammiev: 20140603-IMG_1050
grammiev: Can you see the bee?