grammiev: I guess the lake is frozen
grammiev: Through my window
grammiev: Through my window
grammiev: Then there were two
grammiev: Helping with the fall yard cleanup
grammiev: Taken from my deck…One of 2 bucks checking out the frozen shortcut to the other side of the lake
grammiev: 20191118-_PB190017 deer in snow removed post
grammiev: 20191118-PB190011 deer in snow
grammiev: 20191029-PA290057 young buck after fox left
grammiev: 20191029-PA290054 buck after fox left
grammiev: 20191029-PA290051 fox on the run
grammiev: 20191004-PA040159 zoo caribou dreaming of christmas
grammiev: 20190726-IMG_2932 Yummy clover
grammiev: 20190726-IMG_2926 twins and clover
grammiev: 20190709-IMG_2646 Beware of mama
grammiev: 20190629-IMG_2430 fawn
grammiev: 20190629-IMG_2350 the twins
grammiev: 20190629-IMG_2263 Good morning kiss
grammiev: 20190606-IMG_1157 Young deer
grammiev: 20190604-IMG_0980 deer
grammiev: 20190411-IMG_9795 Mule deer neighbors
grammiev: 20190211-IMG_9354 young bucks join the ladies
grammiev: 20180811-IMG_6416 hiding out at Maskinonge