*Veronica: I'm Back!
*Veronica: Second Paradise..
*Veronica: Sicilian bokeh
*Veronica: Goldfishes in the fountain!
*Veronica: Lady Vittoria
*Veronica: i chose you...
*Veronica: Ripped from the street..
*Veronica: very characteristic..
*Veronica: Mr. Vincenzino
*Veronica: It's uhm....uhm....yeah..
*Veronica: Sea Love..
*Veronica: Again some sea..
*Veronica: More than VIP..
*Veronica: pictures in a picture
*Veronica: I believe that man will not merely endure: he will prevail. He is immortal, not because he alone among creatures has an inexhaustible voice, but because he has a soul, a spirit capable of compassion and sacrifice and endurance. - William Faulkner
*Veronica: very summerish..
*Veronica: Grandma rocks!
*Veronica: I know it's not USA but this song...I mean!!
*Veronica: Ok..i'm going back there!bye guys!
*Veronica: Love you!
*Veronica: They walk alone in that direction...
*Veronica: There is no reality in the absence of observation.
*Veronica: Follow me..
*Veronica: Can you feel them?
*Veronica: ...the sense of being which in calm hours arises, we know not how, in the soul, is not diverse from things, from space, from light, from time, from man, but one with them and proceeds obviously from the same source.... Here is the fountain of action and o
*Veronica: Aunt's garlic..
*Veronica: Taormina's colours
*Veronica: Waiting for the car to pick us up!
*Veronica: The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mystical. It is the source of all true art and science. - Albert Einstein
*Veronica: On the plane..