Verenis: Bratz on the rocks :P
Verenis: I am the party / La fiesta soy yo
Verenis: You're still here
Verenis: Feliz Navidad desde Valladolid / Merry Christmas from Valladolid (Spain)
Verenis: Why did you follow me? / ¿Por qué me has seguido?
Verenis: De cómo el ambiente afecta a las emociones / Of how the environment affects emotions
Verenis: More than one version of the same concept
Verenis: More than one version of the same concept
Verenis: What? / ¿Qué?
Verenis: What? / ¿Qué?
Verenis: In the courtyard / En el patio
Verenis: The 365 Toy Project__ Day 365/365__ 05-06-11__ Done! At last!
Verenis: The 365 Toy Project__ Day 304/365__ 15-03-11__ Night bath / Baño nocturno
Verenis: Si pudiera ahogar mis penas... / If I could drown my sorrows...
Verenis: Hi there
Verenis: What are you thinking about?
Verenis: The 365 Toy Project__ Day 302/365__ 13-03-11__ Time to bath away sad memories
Verenis: 101_1220
Verenis: Te espero al atardecer / I'll wait for you at sunset
Verenis: Move on
Verenis: We are great when we try to really understand, to truly comprehend
Verenis: The 365 Toy Project__ Day 354/365__ 12-05-11__ How do I look this way?
Verenis: Midge sueña con vivir en su propio loft / Midge dreams about living in her own loft
Verenis: Let's go for a walk and enjoy the sunlight
Verenis: disfrutando del atardecer
Verenis: Night Park
Verenis: I am the night
Verenis: BeFunky_OrtonStyle_1
Verenis: Midge en Gandía
Verenis: Follow the path to the water