Jane Brown~: waterline
Jane Brown~: Rose is a rose is a rose is a rose (GS)
Jane Brown~: covering tracks - rain on my window
Jane Brown~: two petals fall/and the shape of the/peony/is wholly changed (Murasaki Shikibu)
Jane Brown~: paeony, a memory
Jane Brown~: The more a thing tends to be permanent, the more it tends to be lifeless (Alan Watts)
Jane Brown~: are we safe now, do you think?
Jane Brown~: a pale imitation
Jane Brown~: in memory of Pat
Jane Brown~: the remaining crew
Jane Brown~: stones
Jane Brown~: tulips
Jane Brown~: memo to me
Jane Brown~: today I started clearing, so far, methodically
Jane Brown~: where I would be if I weren't taking a photo of it!
Jane Brown~: Elsie's crew in their newly decorated surroundings!
Jane Brown~: dancing with Henri Cartier Bresson
Jane Brown~: peonies and Colombian pot
Jane Brown~: waterline
Jane Brown~: jamjar on tablecloth
Jane Brown~: cat on the windowsill - in memory of Jack
Jane Brown~: remembrance of holidays past
Jane Brown~: vase life
Jane Brown~: joining the dots
Jane Brown~: sun and rain
Jane Brown~: living on a shelf
Jane Brown~: Flowers from the BEARS