verdammelt: The end.
verdammelt: New Year - Old Coffee
verdammelt: Not a good way to start the New Year
verdammelt: First work coffee of the new year.
verdammelt: First work coffee of the new year.
verdammelt: Coffee: 5 calories
verdammelt: Fifth of the day
verdammelt: Making the Best of Bad Coffee
verdammelt: Making the Best of Bad Coffee
verdammelt: Making the Best of Bad Coffee
verdammelt: Kept me warm on the walk home
verdammelt: The end of one day
verdammelt: Ready for a new day
verdammelt: Could get lost in these depths
verdammelt: IMG_0028
verdammelt: Typical Workday Coffee Intake
verdammelt: French Roast Drip Coffee from 1369
verdammelt: Miamese Coffee
verdammelt: Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee is damn good.
verdammelt: Wendy's Cool Mug
verdammelt: Helping keep the coffee warm by putting it on the radiator
verdammelt: This is my coffee, there are many like it, but this one is mine.
verdammelt: My Usual: Double Short Americano
verdammelt: A Nice Breakfast
verdammelt: Typical Day At Work
verdammelt: The World Outside Reflected in the Coffee Inside