negativecreeep: my final sparks
negativecreeep: final red bamboo
negativecreeep: Red Bamboo
negativecreeep: the garden
negativecreeep: inside warren st
negativecreeep: McCarren Park Pool
negativecreeep: McCarren Park Pool
negativecreeep: STRONGFUCKINGBOW
negativecreeep: Strongbow
negativecreeep: silly putty at Larissa's
negativecreeep: Joe at Larissas
negativecreeep: Sophie and Lucy
negativecreeep: Joe and a big beer
negativecreeep: Sophie and sparks
negativecreeep: Johnny Depp?
negativecreeep: "I think it's the one"
negativecreeep: Possibly the best dog ever
negativecreeep: Was he ashamed?
negativecreeep: Cooorrrrn Dogs
negativecreeep: We didn't get to see it, sad.
negativecreeep: DANTE'S INFERNO
negativecreeep: Dante's Inferno
negativecreeep: The beach
negativecreeep: Joe, Sophie and I